C64 memory map to easily find memory-related information you need. Use the search fields to filter the C64 memory map by address or description.
Address Hex |
Address Dec |
Description |
$0000-$00FF | 0-256 | Zero page |
$0000 | 0 |
Processor port data direction register. Bits:
$0001 | 1 | Processor port. Bits:
$0002 | 2 | Unused. |
$0003-$0004 | 3-4 | Unused.
Default: $B1AA, execution address of routine converting floating point to integer. |
$0005-$0006 | 5-6 | Unused.
Default: $B391, execution address of routine converting integer to floating point. |
$0007 | 7 | Byte being search for during various operations.
Current digit of number being input. Low byte of first integer operand during AND and OR. Low byte of integer-format FAC during INT(). |
$0008 | 8 | Byte being search for during various operations.
Current byte of BASIC line during tokenization. High byte of first integer operand during AND and OR. |
$0009 | 9 | Current column number during SPC() and TAB(). |
$000A | 10 | LOAD/VERIFY switch. Values:
$000B | 11 | Current token during tokenization.
Length of BASIC line during insertion of line. AND/OR switch; $00 = AND; $FF = OR. Number of dimensions during array operations. |
$000C | 12 | Switch for array operations. Values:
$000D | 13 | Current expression type. Values:
$000E | 14 | Current numerical expression type. Bits:
$000F | 15 | Quotation mode switch during tokenization; Bit #6: 0 = Normal mode; 1 = Quotation mode.
Quotation mode switch during LIST; $01 = Normal mode; $FE = Quotation mode. Garbage collection indicator during memory allocation for string variable; $00-$7F = There was no garbage collection yet; $80 = Garbage collection already took place. |
$0010 | 16 | Switch during fetch of variable name. Values:
$0011 | 17 | GET/INPUT/READ switch. Values:
$0012 | 18 | Sign during SIN() and TAN(). Values:
$0013 | 19 | Current I/O device number.
Default: $00, keyboard for input and screen for output. |
$0014-$0015 | 20-21 | Line number during GOSUB, GOTO and RUN.
Second line number during LIST. Memory address during PEEK, POKE, SYS and WAIT. |
$0016 | 22 | Pointer to next expression in string stack. Values: $19; $1C; $1F; $22.
Default: $19. |
$0017-$0018 | 23-24 | Pointer to previous expression in string stack. |
$0019-$0021 | 25-33 | String stack, temporary area for processing string expressions (9 bytes, 3 entries). |
$0022-$0025 | 34-37 | Temporary area for various operations (4 bytes). |
$0026-$0029 | 38-41 | Auxiliary arithmetical register for division and multiplication (4 bytes). |
$002A | 42 | Unused. |
$002B-$002C | 43-44 | Pointer to beginning of BASIC area.
Default: $0801, 2049. |
$002D-$002E | 45-46 | Pointer to beginning of variable area. (End of program plus 1.) |
$002F-$0030 | 47-48 | Pointer to beginning of array variable area. |
$0031-$0032 | 49-50 | Pointer to end of array variable area. |
$0033-$0034 | 51-52 | Pointer to beginning of string variable area. (Grows downwards from end of BASIC area.) |
$0035-$0036 | 53-54 | Pointer to memory allocated for current string variable. |
$0037-$0038 | 55-56 | Pointer to end of BASIC area.
Default: $A000, 40960. |
$0039-$003A | 57-58 | Current BASIC line number. Values:
$003B-$003C | 59-60 | Current BASIC line number for CONT. |
$003D-$003E | 61-62 | Pointer to next BASIC instruction for CONT. Values:
$003F-$0040 | 63-64 | BASIC line number of current DATA item for READ. |
$0041-$0042 | 65-66 | Pointer to next DATA item for READ. |
$0043-$0044 | 67-68 | Pointer to input result during GET, INPUT and READ. |
$0045-$0046 | 69-70 | Name and type of current variable. Bits:
$0047-$0048 | 71-72 | Pointer to value of current variable or FN function. |
$0049-$004A | 73-74 | Pointer to value of current variable during LET.
Value of second and third parameter during WAIT. Logical number and device number during OPEN. $0049, 73: Logical number of CLOSE. Device number of LOAD, SAVE and VERIFY. |
$004B-$004C | 75-76 | Temporary area for saving original pointer to current BASIC instruction during GET, INPUT and READ. |
$004D | 77 | Comparison operator indicator. Bits:
$004E-$004F | 78-79 | Pointer to current FN function. |
$0050-$0051 | 80-81 | Pointer to current string variable during memory allocation. |
$0052 | 82 | Unused. |
$0053 | 83 | Step size of garbage collection. Values: $03; $07. |
$0054-$0056 | 84-86 | JMP ABS machine instruction, jump to current BASIC function.
$0055-$0056, 85-86: Execution address of current BASIC function. |
$0057-$005B | 87-91 | Arithmetic register #3 (5 bytes). |
$005C-$0060 | 92-96 | Arithmetic register #4 (5 bytes). |
$0061-$0065 | 97-101 | FAC, arithmetic register #1 (5 bytes). |
$0066 | 102 | Sign of FAC. Bits:
$0067 | 103 | Number of degrees during polynomial evaluation. |
$0068 | 104 | Temporary area for various operations. |
$0069-$006D | 105-109 | ARG, arithmetic register #2 (5 bytes). |
$006E | 110 | Sign of ARG. Bits:
$006F-$0070 | 111-112 | Pointer to first string expression during string comparison. |
$0071-$0072 | 113-114 | Auxiliary pointer during array operations.
Temporary area for saving original pointer to current BASIC instruction during VAL(). Pointer to current item of polynomial table during polynomial evaluation. |
$0073-$008A | 115-138 | CHRGET. Machine code routine to read next byte from BASIC program or direct command (24 bytes).
$0079, 121: CHRGOT. Read current byte from BASIC program or direct command. $007A-$007B, 122-123: Pointer to current byte in BASIC program or direct command. |
$008B-$008F | 139-143 | Previous result of RND(). |
$0090 | 144 | Value of ST variable, device status for serial bus and datasette input/output. Serial bus bits:
$0091 | 145 | Stop key indicator. Values:
$0092 | 146 | Unknown. (Timing constant during datasette input.) |
$0093 | 147 | LOAD/VERIFY switch. Values:
$0094 | 148 | Serial bus output cache status. Bits:
$0095 | 149 | Serial bus output cache, previous byte to be sent to serial bus. |
$0096 | 150 | Unknown. (End of tape indicator during datasette input/output.) |
$0097 | 151 | Temporary area for saving original value of Y register during input from RS232.
Temporary area for saving original value of X register during input from datasette. |
$0098 | 152 | Number of files currently open. Values: $00-$0A, 0-10. |
$0099 | 153 | Current input device number.
Default: $00, keyboard. |
$009A | 154 | Current output device number.
Default: $03, screen. |
$009B | 155 | Unknown. (Parity bit during datasette input/output.) |
$009C | 156 | Unknown. (Byte ready indicator during datasette input/output.) |
$009D | 157 | System error display switch. Bits:
$009E | 158 | Byte to be put into output buffer during RS232 and datasette output.
Block header type during datasette input/output. Length of file name during datasette input/output. Error counter during LOAD from datasette. Values: $00-$3E, 0-62. |
$009F | 159 | Auxiliary counter for writing file name into datasette buffer.
Auxiliary counter for comparing requested file name with file name read from datasette during datasette input. Error correction counter during LOAD from datasette. Values: $00-$3E, 0-62. |
$00A0-$00A2 | 160-162 | Value of TI variable, time of day, increased by 1 every 1/60 second (on PAL machines). Values: $000000-$4F19FF, 0-518399 (on PAL machines). |
$00A3 | 163 | EOI switch during serial bus output. Bits:
$00A4 | 164 | Byte buffer during serial bus input.
Parity during datasette input/output. |
$00A5 | 165 | Bit counter during serial bus input/output.
Counter for sync mark during datasette output. |
$00A6 | 166 | Offset of current byte in datasette buffer. |
$00A7 | 167 | Bit buffer during RS232 input. |
$00A8 | 168 | Bit counter during RS232 input. |
$00A9 | 169 | Stop bit switch during RS232 input. Values:
$00AA | 170 | Byte buffer during RS232 input. |
$00AB | 171 | Parity during RS232 input.
Computed block checksum during datasette input. |
$00AC-$00AD | 172-173 | Start address for SAVE to serial bus.
Pointer to current byte during SAVE to serial bus or datasette. Pointer to line in screen memory to be scrolled during scrolling the screen. |
$00AE-$00AF | 174-175 | Load address read from input file and pointer to current byte during LOAD/VERIFY from serial bus.
End address after LOAD/VERIFY from serial bus or datasette. End address for SAVE to serial bus or datasette. Pointer to line in Color RAM to be scrolled during scrolling the screen. |
$00B0-$00B1 | 176-177 | Unknown. |
$00B2-$00B3 | 178-179 | Pointer to datasette buffer.
Default: $033C, 828. |
$00B4 | 180 | Bit counter and stop bit switch during RS232 output. Bits:
$00B5 | 181 | Bit buffer (in bit #2) during RS232 output. |
$00B6 | 182 | Byte buffer during RS232 output. |
$00B7 | 183 | Length of file name or disk command; first parameter of LOAD, SAVE and VERIFY or fourth parameter of OPEN. Values:
$00B8 | 184 | Logical number of current file. |
$00B9 | 185 | Secondary address of current file. |
$00BA | 186 | Device number of current file. |
$00BB-$00BC | 187-188 | Pointer to current file name or disk command; first parameter of LOAD, SAVE and VERIFY or fourth parameter of OPEN. |
$00BD | 189 | Parity during RS232 output.
Byte buffer during datasette input/output. |
$00BE | 190 | Block counter during datasette input/output. |
$00BF | 191 | Unknown. |
$00C0 | 192 | Datasette motor switch. Values:
$00C1-$00C2 | 193-194 | Start address during SAVE to serial bus, LOAD and VERIFY from datasette and SAVE to datasette.
Pointer to current byte during memory test. |
$00C3-$00C4 | 195-196 | Start address for a secondary address of 0 for LOAD and VERIFY from serial bus or datasette.
Pointer to ROM table of default vectors during initialization of I/O vectors. |
$00C5 | 197 | Matrix code of key previously pressed. Values:
$00C6 | 198 | Length of keyboard buffer. Values:
$00C7 | 199 | Reverse mode switch. Values:
$00C8 | 200 | Length of line minus 1 during screen input. Values: $27, 39; $4F, 79. |
$00C9 | 201 | Cursor row during screen input. Values: $00-$18, 0-24. |
$00CA | 202 | Cursor column during screen input. Values: $00-$27, 0-39. |
$00CB | 203 | Matrix code of key currently being pressed. Values:
$00CC | 204 | Cursor visibility switch. Values:
$00CD | 205 | Delay counter for changing cursor phase. Values:
$00CE | 206 | Screen code of character under cursor. |
$00CF | 207 | Cursor phase switch. Values:
$00D0 | 208 | End of line switch during screen input. Values:
$00D1-$00D2 | 209-210 | Pointer to current line in screen memory. |
$00D3 | 211 | Current cursor column. Values: $00-$27, 0-39. |
$00D4 | 212 | Quotation mode switch. Values:
$00D5 | 213 | Length of current screen line minus 1. Values: $27, 39; $4F, 79. |
$00D6 | 214 | Current cursor row. Values: $00-$18, 0-24. |
$00D7 | 215 | PETSCII code of character during screen input/output.
Bit buffer during datasette input. Block checksum during datasette output. |
$00D8 | 216 | Number of insertions. Values:
$00D9-$00F1 | 217-241 | High byte of pointers to each line in screen memory (25 bytes). Values:
$00F2 | 242 | Temporary area during scrolling the screen. |
$00F3-$00F4 | 243-244 | Pointer to current line in Color RAM. |
$00F5-$00F6 | 245-246 | Pointer to current conversion table during conversion from keyboard matrix codes to PETSCII codes. |
$00F7-$00F8 | 247-248 | Pointer to RS232 input buffer. Values:
$00F9-$00FA | 249-250 | Pointer to RS232 output buffer. Values:
$00FB-$00FE | 251-254 | Unused (4 bytes). |
$00FF-$010A | 255-266 | Buffer for conversion from floating point to string (12 bytes.) |
$0100-$01FF | 256-511 | Processor stack |
$00FF-$010A | 255-266 | Buffer for conversion from floating point to string (12 bytes.) |
$0100-$013D | 256-317 | Pointers to bytes read with error during datasette input (62 bytes, 31 entries). |
$0100-$01FF | 256-511 | Processor stack. Also used for storing data related to FOR and GOSUB. |
$0200-$02FF | 512-767 | |
$0200-$0258 | 512-600 | Input buffer, storage area for data read from screen (89 bytes). |
$0259-$0262 | 601-610 | Logical numbers assigned to files (10 bytes, 10 entries). |
$0263-$026C | 611-620 | Device numbers assigned to files (10 bytes, 10 entries). |
$026D-$0276 | 621-630 | Secondary addresses assigned to files (10 bytes, 10 entries). |
$0277-$0280 | 631-640 | Keyboard buffer (10 bytes, 10 entries). |
$0281-$0282 | 641-642 | Pointer to beginning of BASIC area after memory test.
Default: $0800, 2048. |
$0283-$0284 | 643-644 | Pointer to end of BASIC area after memory test.
Default: $A000, 40960. |
$0285 | 645 | Unused. (Serial bus timeout.) |
$0286 | 646 | Current color, cursor color. Values: $00-$0F, 0-15. |
$0287 | 647 | Color of character under cursor. Values: $00-$0F, 0-15. |
$0288 | 648 | High byte of pointer to screen memory for screen input/output.
Default: $04, $0400, 1024. |
$0289 | 649 | Maximum length of keyboard buffer. Values:
$028A | 650 | Keyboard repeat switch. Bits:
$028B | 651 | Delay counter during repeat sequence, for delaying between successive repeats. Values:
$028C | 652 | Repeat sequence delay counter, for delaying before first repetition. Values:
$028D | 653 | Shift key indicator. Bits:
$028E | 654 | Previous value of shift key indicator. Bits:
$028F-$0290 | 655-656 | Execution address of routine that, based on the status of shift keys, sets the pointer at memory address $00F5-$00F6 to the appropriate conversion table for converting keyboard matrix codes to PETSCII codes.
Default: $EB48. |
$0291 | 657 | Commodore-Shift switch. Bits:
$0292 | 658 | Scroll direction switch during scrolling the screen. Values:
$0293 | 659 | RS232 control register. Bits:
$0294 | 660 | RS232 command register. Bits:
$0295-$0296 | 661-662 | Default value of RS232 output timer, based on baud rate. (Must be filled with actual value before RS232 input/output if baud rate is “user specified” in RS232 control register, memory address $0293.) |
$0297 | 663 | Value of ST variable, device status for RS232 input/output. Bits:
$0298 | 664 | RS232 byte size, number of data bits per data byte, default value for bit counters. |
$0299-$029A | 665-666 | Default value of RS232 input timer, based on baud rate. (Calculated automatically from default value of RS232 output timer, at memory address $0295-$0296.) |
$029B | 667 | Offset of byte received in RS232 input buffer. |
$029C | 668 | Offset of current byte in RS232 input buffer. |
$029D | 669 | Offset of byte to send in RS232 output buffer. |
$029E | 670 | Offset of current byte in RS232 output buffer. |
$029F-$02A0 | 671-672 | Temporary area for saving pointer to original interrupt service routine during datasette input output. Values:
$02A1 | 673 | Temporary area for saving original value of CIA#2 interrupt control register, at memory address $DD0D, during RS232 input/output. |
$02A2 | 674 | Temporary area for saving original value of CIA#1 timer #1 control register, at memory address $DC0E, during datasette input/output. |
$02A3-$02A4 | 675-676 | Unknown. |
$02A5 | 677 | Number of line currently being scrolled during scrolling the screen. |
$02A6 | 678 | PAL/NTSC switch, for selecting RS232 baud rate from the proper table. Values:
$02A7-$02FF | 679-767 | Unused (89 bytes). |
$0300-$03FF | 768-1023 | |
$0300-$0301 | 768-769 | Execution address of warm reset, displaying optional BASIC error message and entering BASIC idle loop.
Default: $E38B. |
$0302-$0303 | 770-771 | Execution address of BASIC idle loop.
Default: $A483. |
$0304-$0305 | 772-773 | Execution address of BASIC line tokenizater routine.
Default: $A57C. |
$0306-$0307 | 774-775 | Execution address of BASIC token decoder routine.
Default: $A71A. |
$0308-$0309 | 776-777 | Execution address of BASIC instruction executor routine.
Default: $A7E4. |
$030A-$030B | 778-779 | Execution address of routine reading next item of BASIC expression.
Default: $AE86. |
$030C | 780 | Default value of register A for SYS.
Value of register A after SYS. |
$030D | 781 | Default value of register X for SYS.
Value of register X after SYS. |
$030E | 782 | Default value of register Y for SYS.
Value of register Y after SYS. |
$030F | 783 | Default value of status register for SYS.
Value of status register after SYS. |
$0310-$0312 | 784-786 | JMP ABS machine instruction, jump to USR() function.
$0311-$0312, 785-786: Execution address of USR() function. |
$0313 | 787 | Unused. |
$0314-$0315 | 788-789 | Execution address of interrupt service routine.
Default: $EA31. |
$0316-$0317 | 790-791 | Execution address of BRK service routine.
Default: $FE66. |
$0318-$0319 | 792-793 | Execution address of non-maskable interrupt service routine.
Default: $FE47. |
$031A-$031B | 794-795 | Execution address of OPEN, routine opening files.
Default: $F34A. |
$031C-$031D | 796-797 | Execution address of CLOSE, routine closing files.
Default: $F291. |
$031E-$031F | 798-799 | Execution address of CHKIN, routine defining file as default input.
Default: $F20E. |
$0320-$0321 | 800-801 | Execution address of CHKOUT, routine defining file as default output.
Default: $F250. |
$0322-$0323 | 802-803 | Execution address of CLRCHN, routine initializating input/output.
Default: $F333. |
$0324-$0325 | 804-805 | Execution address of CHRIN, data input routine, except for keyboard and RS232 input.
Default: $F157. |
$0326-$0327 | 806-807 | Execution address of CHROUT, general purpose data output routine.
Default: $F1CA. |
$0328-$0329 | 808-809 | Execution address of STOP, routine checking the status of Stop key indicator, at memory address $0091.
Default: $F6ED. |
$032A-$032B | 810-811 | Execution address of GETIN, general purpose data input routine.
Default: $F13E. |
$032C-$032D | 812-813 | Execution address of CLALL, routine initializing input/output and clearing all file assignment tables.
Default: $F32F. |
$032E-$032F | 814-815 | Unused.
Default: $FE66. |
$0330-$0331 | 816-817 | Execution address of LOAD, routine loading files.
Default: $F4A5. |
$0332-$0333 | 818-819 | Execution address of SAVE, routine saving files.
Default: $F5ED. |
$0334-$033B | 820-827 | Unused (8 bytes). |
$033C-$03FB | 828-1019 | Datasette buffer (192 bytes). |
$03FC-$03FF | 1020-1023 | Unused (4 bytes). |
$0400-$07FF | 1024-2047 | Default screen memory |
$0400-$07E7 | 1024-2023 | Default area of screen memory (1000 bytes). |
$07E8-$07F7 | 2024-2039 | Unused (16 bytes). |
$07F8-$07FF | 2040-2047 | Default area for sprite pointers (8 bytes). |
$0800-$9FFF | 2048-40959 | BASIC area |
$0800 | 2048 | Unused. (Must contain a value of 0 so that the BASIC program can be RUN.) |
$0801-$9FFF | 2049-40959 | Default BASIC area (38911 bytes). |
$8000-$9FFF | 32768-40959 | Optional cartridge ROM (8192 bytes).
$8000-$8001, 32768-32769: Execution address of cold reset. $8002-$8003, 32770-32771: Execution address of non-maskable interrupt service routine. $8004-$8008, 32772-32776: Cartridge signature. If contains the uppercase PETSCII string “CBM80” ($C3,$C2,$CD,$38,$30) then the routine vectors are accepted by the KERNAL. |
$A000-$BFFF | 40960-49151 | BASIC ROM |
$A000-$BFFF | 40960-49151 | BASIC ROM or RAM area (8192 bytes); depends on the value of bits #0-#2 of the processor port at memory address $0001:
$C000-$CFFF | 49152-53247 | Upper RAM area |
$C000-$CFFF | 49152-53247 | Upper RAM area (4096 bytes). |
$D000-$DFFF | 53248-57343 | I/O Area |
$D000-$DFFF | 53248-57343 | I/O Area (memory mapped chip registers), Character ROM or RAM area (4096 bytes); depends on the value of bits #0-#2 of the processor port at memory address $0001:
$D000-$DFFF | 53248-57343 | Character ROM |
$D000-$DFFF | 53248-57343 | Character ROM, shape of characters (4096 bytes). |
$D000-$D7FF | 53248-55295 | Shape of characters in uppercase/graphics character set (2048 bytes, 256 entries). |
$D800-$DFFF | 55295-57343 | Shape of characters in lowercase/uppercase character set (2048 bytes, 256 entries). |
$D000-$D3FF | 53248-54271 | VIC-II; video display |
$D000 | 53248 | Sprite #0 X-coordinate (only bits #0-#7). |
$D001 | 53249 | Sprite #0 Y-coordinate. |
$D002 | 53250 | Sprite #1 X-coordinate (only bits #0-#7). |
$D003 | 53251 | Sprite #1 Y-coordinate. |
$D004 | 53252 | Sprite #2 X-coordinate (only bits #0-#7). |
$D005 | 53253 | Sprite #2 Y-coordinate. |
$D006 | 53254 | Sprite #3 X-coordinate (only bits #0-#7). |
$D007 | 53255 | Sprite #3 Y-coordinate. |
$D008 | 53256 | Sprite #4 X-coordinate (only bits #0-#7). |
$D009 | 53257 | Sprite #4 Y-coordinate. |
$D00A | 53258 | Sprite #5 X-coordinate (only bits #0-#7). |
$D00B | 53259 | Sprite #5 Y-coordinate. |
$D00C | 53260 | Sprite #6 X-coordinate (only bits #0-#7). |
$D00D | 53261 | Sprite #6 Y-coordinate. |
$D00E | 53262 | Sprite #7 X-coordinate (only bits #0-#7). |
$D00F | 53263 | Sprite #7 Y-coordinate. |
$D010 | 53264 | Sprite #0-#7 X-coordinates (bit #8). Bits:
$D011 | 53265 | Screen control register #1. Bits:
$D012 | 53266 | Read: Current raster line (bits #0-#7).
Write: Raster line to generate interrupt at (bits #0-#7). |
$D013 | 53267 | Light pen X-coordinate (bits #1-#8).
Read-only. |
$D014 | 53268 | Light pen Y-coordinate.
Read-only. |
$D015 | 53269 | Sprite enable register. Bits:
$D016 | 53270 | Screen control register #2. Bits:
$D017 | 53271 | Sprite double height register. Bits:
$D018 | 53272 | Memory setup register. Bits:
$D019 | 53273 | Interrupt status register. Read bits:
$D01A | 53274 | Interrupt control register. Bits:
$D01B | 53275 | Sprite priority register. Bits:
$D01C | 53276 | Sprite multicolor mode register. Bits:
$D01D | 53277 | Sprite double width register. Bits:
$D01E | 53278 | Sprite-sprite collision register. Read bits:
$D01F | 53279 | Sprite-background collision register. Read bits:
$D020 | 53280 | Border color (only bits #0-#3). |
$D021 | 53281 | Background color (only bits #0-#3). |
$D022 | 53282 | Extra background color #1 (only bits #0-#3). |
$D023 | 53283 | Extra background color #2 (only bits #0-#3). |
$D024 | 53284 | Extra background color #3 (only bits #0-#3). |
$D025 | 53285 | Sprite extra color #1 (only bits #0-#3). |
$D026 | 53286 | Sprite extra color #2 (only bits #0-#3). |
$D027 | 53287 | Sprite #0 color (only bits #0-#3). |
$D028 | 53288 | Sprite #1 color (only bits #0-#3). |
$D029 | 53289 | Sprite #2 color (only bits #0-#3). |
$D02A | 53290 | Sprite #3 color (only bits #0-#3). |
$D02B | 53291 | Sprite #4 color (only bits #0-#3). |
$D02C | 53292 | Sprite #5 color (only bits #0-#3). |
$D02D | 53293 | Sprite #6 color (only bits #0-#3). |
$D02E | 53294 | Sprite #7 color (only bits #0-#3). |
$D02F-$D03F | 53295-53311 | Unusable (17 bytes). |
$D040-$D3FF | 53312-54271 | VIC-II register images (repeated every $40, 64 bytes). |
$D400-$D7FF | 54272-55295 | SID; audio |
$D400-$D401 | 54272-54273 | Voice #1 frequency.
Write-only. |
$D402-$D403 | 54274-54275 | Voice #1 pulse width.
Write-only. |
$D404 | 54276 | Voice #1 control register. Bits:
$D405 | 54277 | Voice #1 Attack and Decay length. Bits:
$D406 | 54278 | Voice #1 Sustain volume and Release length. Bits:
$D407-$D408 | 54279-54280 | Voice #2 frequency. Write-only. |
$D409-$D40A | 54281-54282 | Voice #2 pulse width. Write-only. |
$D40B | 54283 | Voice #2 control register.
Write-only. |
$D40C | 54284 | Voice #2 Attack and Decay length.
Write-only. |
$D40D | 54285 | Voice #2 Sustain volume and Release length.
Write-only. |
$D40E-$D40F | 54286-54287 | Voice #3 frequency.
Write-only. |
$D410-$D411 | 54288-54289 | Voice #3 pulse width.
Write-only. |
$D412 | 54290 | Voice #3 control register.
Write-only. |
$D413 | 54291 | Voice #3 Attack and Decay length.
Write-only. |
$D414 | 54292 | Voice #3 Sustain volume and Release length.
Write-only. |
$D415 | 54293 | Filter cut off frequency (bits #0-#2).
Write-only. |
$D416 | 54294 | Filter cut off frequency (bits #3-#10).
Write-only. |
$D417 | 54295 | Filter control. Bits:
$D418 | 54296 | Volume and filter modes. Bits:
$D419 | 54297 | X value of paddle selected at memory address $DD00. (Updates at every 512 system cycles.)
Read-only. |
$D41A | 54298 | Y value of paddle selected at memory address $DD00. (Updates at every 512 system cycles.)
Read-only. |
$D41B | 54299 | Voice #3 waveform output.
Read-only. |
$D41C | 54300 | Voice #3 ADSR output.
Read-only. |
$D41D-$D41F | 54301-54303 | Unusable (3 bytes). |
$D420-$D7FF | 54304-55295 | SID register images (repeated every $20, 32 bytes). |
$D800-$DBFF | 55296-56319 | Color RAM |
$D800-$DBE7 | 55296-56295 | Color RAM (1000 bytes, only bits #0-#3). |
$DBE8-$DBFF | 56296-56319 | Unused (24 bytes, only bits #0-#3). |
$DC00-$DCFF | 56320-56575 | CIA#1; inputs (keyboard, joystick, mouse), datasette, IRQ control |
$DC00 | 56320 | Port A, keyboard matrix columns and joystick #2. Read bits:
$DC01 | 56321 | Port B, keyboard matrix rows and joystick #1. Bits:
$DC02 | 56322 | Port A data direction register.
$DC03 | 56323 | Port B data direction register.
$DC04-$DC05 | 56324-56325 | Timer A. Read: Current timer value.
Write: Set timer start value. |
$DC06-$DC07 | 56326-56327 | Timer B. Read: Current timer value.
Write: Set timer start value. |
$DC08 | 56328 | Time of Day, tenth seconds (in BCD). Values: $00-$09. Read: Current TOD value.
Write: Set TOD or alarm time. |
$DC09 | 56329 | Time of Day, seconds (in BCD). Values: $00-$59. Read: Current TOD value.
Write: Set TOD or alarm time. |
$DC0A | 56330 | Time of Day, minutes (in BCD). Values: $00-$59. Read: Current TOD value.
Write: Set TOD or alarm time. |
$DC0B | 56331 | Time of Day, hours (in BCD). Read bits:
$DC0C | 56332 | Serial shift register. (Bits are read and written upon every positive edge of the CNT pin.) |
$DC0D | 56333 | Interrupt control and status register. Read bits:
$DC0E | 56334 | Timer A control register. Bits:
$DC0F | 56335 | Timer B control register. Bits:
$DC10-$DCFF | 56336-56575 | CIA#1 register images (repeated every $10, 16 bytes). |
$DD00-$DDFF | 56576-56831 | CIA#2; serial bus, RS232, NMI control |
$DD00 | 56576 | Port A, serial bus access. Bits:
$DD01 | 56577 | Port B, RS232 access. Read bits:
$DD02 | 56578 | Port A data direction register.
$DD03 | 56579 | Port B data direction register.
$DD04-$DD05 | 56580-56581 | Timer A. Read: Current timer value.
Write: Set timer start value. |
$DD06-$DD07 | 56582-56583 | Timer B. Read: Current timer value.
Write: Set timer start value. |
$DD08 | 56584 | Time of Day, tenth seconds (in BCD). Values: $00-$09. Read: Current TOD value.
Write: Set TOD or alarm time. |
$DD09 | 56585 | Time of Day, seconds (in BCD). Values: $00-$59. Read: Current TOD value.
Write: Set TOD or alarm time. |
$DD0A | 56586 | Time of Day, minutes (in BCD). Values: $00-$59. Read: Current TOD value.
Write: Set TOD or alarm time. |
$DD0B | 56587 | Time of Day, hours (in BCD). Read bits:
$DD0C | 56588 | Serial shift register. (Bits are read and written upon every positive edge of the CNT pin.) |
$DD0D | 56589 | Interrupt control and status register. Read bits:
$DD0E | 56590 | Timer A control register. Bits:
$DD0F | 56591 | Timer B control register. Bits:
$DD10-$DDFF | 56592-56831 | CIA#2 register images (repeated every $10, 16 bytes). |
$DE00-$DEFF | 56832-57087 | I/O Area #1 |
$DE00-$DEFF | 56832-57087 | I/O Area #1, memory mapped registers or machine code routines of optional external devices (256 bytes). Layout and contents depend on the actual device. |
$DF00-$DFFF | 57088-57343 | I/O Area #2 |
$DF00-$DFFF | 57088-57343 | I/O Area #2, memory mapped registers or machine code routines of optional external devices (256 bytes). Layout and contents depend on the actual device. |
$E000-$FFFF | 57344-65535 | KERNAL ROM |
$E000-$FFFF | 57344-65535 | KERNAL ROM or RAM area (8192 bytes); depends on the value of bits #0-#2 of the processor port at memory address $0001:
$FF81-$FFF3 | 65409-65523 | Kernal functions |
$FF81 | 65409 | SCINIT
Initialize VIC; restore default input/output to keyboard/screen; clear screen; set PAL/NTSC switch and interrupt timer. Input: – Output: – Used registers: A, X, Y. Real address: $FF5B. |
$FF84 | 65412 | IOINIT
Initialize CIA’s, SID volume; setup memory configuration; set and start interrupt timer. Input: – Output: – Used registers: A, X. Real address: $FDA3. |
$FF87 | 65415 | RAMTAS
Clear memory addresses $0002-$0101 and $0200-$03FF; run memory test and set start and end address of BASIC work area accordingly; set screen memory to $0400 and datasette buffer to $033C. Input: – Output: – Used registers: A, X, Y. Real address: $FD50. |
$FF8A | 65418 | RESTOR
Fill vector table at memory addresses $0314-$0333 with default values. Input: – Output: – Used registers: – Real address: $FD15. |
$FF8D | 65421 | VECTOR
Copy vector table at memory addresses $0314-$0333 from or into user table. Input: Carry: 0 = Copy user table into vector table, 1 = Copy vector table into user table; X/Y = Pointer to user table. Output: – Used registers: A, Y. Real address: $FD1A. |
$FF90 | 65424 | SETMSG
Set system error display switch at memory address $009D. Input: A = Switch value. Output: – Used registers: – Real address: $FE18. |
$FF93 | 65427 | LSTNSA
Send LISTEN secondary address to serial bus. (Must call LISTEN beforehands.) Input: A = Secondary address. Output: – Used registers: A. Real address: $EDB9. |
$FF96 | 65430 | TALKSA
Send TALK secondary address to serial bus. (Must call TALK beforehands.) Input: A = Secondary address. Output: – Used registers: A. Real address: $EDC7. |
$FF99 | 65433 | MEMBOT
Save or restore start address of BASIC work area. Input: Carry: 0 = Restore from input, 1 = Save to output; X/Y = Address (if Carry = 0). Output: X/Y = Address (if Carry = 1). Used registers: X, Y. Real address: $FE25. |
$FF9C | 65436 | MEMTOP
Save or restore end address of BASIC work area. Input: Carry: 0 = Restore from input, 1 = Save to output; X/Y = Address (if Carry = 0). Output: X/Y = Address (if Carry = 1). Used registers: X, Y. Real address: $FE34. |
$FF9F | 65439 | SCNKEY
Query keyboard; put current matrix code into memory address $00CB, current status of shift keys into memory address $028D and PETSCII code into keyboard buffer. Input: – Output: – Used registers: A, X, Y. Real address: $EA87. |
$FFA2 | 65442 | SETTMO
Unknown. (Set serial bus timeout.) Input: A = Timeout value. Output: – Used registers: – Real address: $FE21. |
$FFA5 | 65445 | IECIN
Read byte from serial bus. (Must call TALK and TALKSA beforehands.) Input: – Output: A = Byte read. Used registers: A. Real address: $EE13. |
$FFA8 | 65448 | IECOUT
Write byte to serial bus. (Must call LISTEN and LSTNSA beforehands.) Input: A = Byte to write. Output: – Used registers: – Real address: $EDDD. |
$FFAB | 65451 | UNTALK
Send UNTALK command to serial bus. Input: – Output: – Used registers: A. Real address: $EDEF. |
$FFAE | 65454 | UNLSTN
Send UNLISTEN command to serial bus. Input: – Output: – Used registers: A. Real address: $EDFE. |
$FFB1 | 65457 | LISTEN
Send LISTEN command to serial bus. Input: A = Device number. Output: – Used registers: A. Real address: $ED0C. |
$FFB4 | 65460 | TALK
Send TALK command to serial bus. Input: A = Device number. Output: – Used registers: A. Real address: $ED09. |
$FFB7 | 65463 | READST
Fetch status of current input/output device, value of ST variable. (For RS232, status is cleared.) Input: – Output: A = Device status. Used registers: A. Real address: $FE07. |
$FFBA | 65466 | SETLFS
Set file parameters. Input: A = Logical number; X = Device number; Y = Secondary address. Output: – Used registers: – Real address: $FE00. |
$FFBD | 65469 | SETNAM
Set file name parameters. Input: A = File name length; X/Y = Pointer to file name. Output: – Used registers: – Real address: $FDF9. |
$FFC0 | 65472 | OPEN
Open file. (Must call SETLFS and SETNAM beforehands.) Input: – Output: – Used registers: A, X, Y. Real address: ($031A), $F34A. |
$FFC3 | 65475 | CLOSE
Close file. Input: A = Logical number. Output: – Used registers: A, X, Y. Real address: ($031C), $F291. |
$FFC6 | 65478 | CHKIN
Define file as default input. (Must call OPEN beforehands.) Input: X = Logical number. Output: – Used registers: A, X. Real address: ($031E), $F20E. |
$FFC9 | 65481 | CHKOUT
Define file as default output. (Must call OPEN beforehands.) Input: X = Logical number. Output: – Used registers: A, X. Real address: ($0320), $F250. |
$FFCC | 65484 | CLRCHN
Close default input/output files (for serial bus, send UNTALK and/or UNLISTEN); restore default input/output to keyboard/screen. Input: – Output: – Used registers: A, X. Real address: ($0322), $F333. |
$FFCF | 65487 | CHRIN
Read byte from default input (for keyboard, read a line from the screen). (If not keyboard, must call OPEN and CHKIN beforehands.) Input: – Output: A = Byte read. Used registers: A, Y. Real address: ($0324), $F157. |
$FFD2 | 65490 | CHROUT
Write byte to default output. (If not screen, must call OPEN and CHKOUT beforehands.) Input: A = Byte to write. Output: – Used registers: – Real address: ($0326), $F1CA. |
$FFD5 | 65493 | LOAD
Load or verify file. (Must call SETLFS and SETNAM beforehands.) Input: A: 0 = Load, 1-255 = Verify; X/Y = Load address (if secondary address = 0). Output: Carry: 0 = No errors, 1 = Error; A = KERNAL error code (if Carry = 1); X/Y = Address of last byte loaded/verified (if Carry = 0). Used registers: A, X, Y. Real address: $F49E. |
$FFD8 | 65496 | SAVE
Save file. (Must call SETLFS and SETNAM beforehands.) Input: A = Address of zero page register holding start address of memory area to save; X/Y = End address of memory area plus 1. Output: Carry: 0 = No errors, 1 = Error; A = KERNAL error code (if Carry = 1). Used registers: A, X, Y. Real address: $F5DD. |
$FFDB | 65499 | SETTIM
Set Time of Day, at memory address $00A0-$00A2. Input: A/X/Y = New TOD value. Output: – Used registers: – Real address: $F6E4. |
$FFDE | 65502 | RDTIM
Read Time of Day, at memory address $00A0-$00A2. Input: – Output: A/X/Y = Current TOD value. Used registers: A, X, Y. Real address: $F6DD. |
$FFE1 | 65505 | STOP
Query Stop key indicator, at memory address $0091; if pressed, call CLRCHN and clear keyboard buffer. Input: – Output: Zero: 0 = Not pressed, 1 = Pressed; Carry: 1 = Pressed. Used registers: A, X. Real address: ($0328), $F6ED. |
$FFE4 | 65508 | GETIN
Read byte from default input. (If not keyboard, must call OPEN and CHKIN beforehands.) Input: – Output: A = Byte read. Used registers: A, X, Y. Real address: ($032A), $F13E. |
$FFE7 | 65511 | CLALL
Clear file table; call CLRCHN. Input: – Output: – Used registers: A, X. Real address: ($032C), $F32F. |
$FFEA | 65514 | UDTIM
Update Time of Day, at memory address $00A0-$00A2, and Stop key indicator, at memory address $0091. Input: – Output: – Used registers: A, X. Real address: $F69B. |
$FFED | 65517 | SCREEN
Fetch number of screen rows and columns. Input: – Output: X = Number of columns (40); Y = Number of rows (25). Used registers: X, Y. Real address: $E505. |
$FFF0 | 65520 | PLOT
Save or restore cursor position. Input: Carry: 0 = Restore from input, 1 = Save to output; X = Cursor column (if Carry = 0); Y = Cursor row (if Carry = 0). Output: X = Cursor column (if Carry = 1); Y = Cursor row (if Carry = 1). Used registers: X, Y. Real address: $E50A. |
$FFF3 | 65523 | IOBASE
Fetch CIA #1 base address. Input: – Output: X/Y = CIA #1 base address ($DC00). Used registers: X, Y. Real address: $E500. |
$FFFA-$FFFF | 65530-65535 | Hardware vectors |
$FFFA-$FFFB | 65530-65531 | Execution address of non-maskable interrupt service routine.
Default: $FE43. |
$FFFC-$FFFD | 65532-65533 | Execution address of cold reset.
Default: $FCE2. |
$FFFE-$FFFF | 65534-65535 | Execution address of interrupt service routine.
Default: $FF48. |
The memory map is based on sta.c64.org with many additions thanks to awsm.de. If you find errors, let us know.