C64 Club Backgammon

Play 'Club Backgammon' on C64 online.

Club Backgammon game data

Commodore 64 game name: Club Backgammon | Release date: 1988 | Publisher: California Dreams | Game media type: d64 | Language: en
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About Commodore 64 Club Backgammon

About Club Backgammon (C64)

Released in 1988 by California Dreams and developed by Logical Design Works, Club Backgammon brings the classic board game to life on the Commodore 64. With coding masterminds Jarek Achinger and Tadek Serwatka at the helm, this adaptation offers both single and multiplayer modes, allowing one or two human players to face off or challenge the computer’s three levels of AI.

Club Backgammon stays true to the traditional rules, utilizing a joystick-controlled cursor for piece movement and dice rolling. It also features a range of customization options, such as color editing for the board, pieces, and dice, adjustable game speed, and a manual roll feature for dice value input.

Players can benefit from in-game evaluations of their positions, practice various strategies by editing the game board, and even reverse sides with the AI. For those who prefer to observe, the game also supports AI vs. AI matchups. Experience the strategic depth of backgammon in a digital format with Club Backgammon on C64.


One of our readers and enthusiastic users, Hans-Jürgen, compared the difficulty level of the DOS and C64 versions. His experiences can be read below.

After the first tests, it is already absolutely clear: Club Backgammon for DOS and the version for the C64 are NOT identical concerning playing strength!

Club Backgammon for the C64 by Serwatka & Achinger plays differently (deviations very often already from the second or third move) and much weaker than the DOS version of Club BG by Sanojca & Ustaszewski. Especially in the endgame, Club Backgammon (C64) misses some simple hits.

The Elo projection is about 350 Elo points less, still sufficient for the podium, but only third place for Commodore backgammon programs.

Here is my little ranking list of Commodore backgammon programs – mostly, but not only, C64 programs:

Commodore rating list Elo

Boray Gammon 2.31 1293-1 2021 Anders Persson
Boray Gammon 2.00 1201-1 2015 Anders Persson
Boray Gammon 2.22 (Vic) 1102-1 2017 Anders Persson
Boray Gammon 2.22 (Sid) 1100-1 2017 Anders Persson
Vicgammon (Vic Backgammon) 912-2 1982 Bug-Byte
Club Backgammon 806-1 1988 Tadek Serwatka & Jarek Achinger
Backgammon Commodore Disc 702-1 1989 Commodore Disc 25 CA-Verlags GmbH
Backgammon 580-1 1988 Louis K. Avanzi
Backgammon 4.0 564-1 1990 D. Malmberg & G. Fisher & A.L. Townsend & A. L. Banks
Backgammon VIC-20 440-1 1986 Robtek
Gammon 401-1 1979 David Malmberg & Glen Fisher
Backgammon 380-1 198? N. J. Trimper Triville Software
Backgammon 176-1 1990 Peter Weighill
Electronic Backgammon 148-1 1985 Dennis Webber Emerald Valley Publishing
Backgammon 144-1 1985 Jeffrey Vavasour & Geoff Rideout

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